Whisker Wellness

About Whisker Wellness

Our Mission

At Whisker Wellness, we are driven by the belief that all pets, particularly senior cats and those with medical needs, deserve exceptional care. Our mission is to provide attentive, loving care to pets so their owners can feel at ease knowing their furry companions are in capable hands. Whether it's medical management, daily visits, or specialized care, we aim to be the trusted partner for your pet's wellbeing.

A cat being cared for by a Whisker Wellness professional

Our Philosophy

We believe that every animal, regardless of age or medical condition, should receive the highest standard of care. Our philosophy revolves around building trust and confidence with our clients, ensuring that they feel safe knowing their pets are in the best hands. We understand the importance of providing personalized care, especially for senior and special-needs pets, and are committed to delivering this level of attention to every pet we serve.

Meet Our Founder

Koren Rinehart, the heart and soul behind Whisker Wellness, has dedicated her life to caring for cats and other animals. With years of experience in the veterinary field, rescue work, and full-time management of her own pet business, Koren brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to the table. Her commitment to the feline community extends beyond simple care—she has worked with local organizations on Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs, helped manage feral cat colonies, and advocated for humane treatment of all animals. For Koren, caring for cats is not just a job; it's her life's mission.

image of Koren Rinehart with a cat

Why Choose Whisker Wellness?

Personalized Care

We offer one-on-one care for your pets, ensuring they receive the attention and love they deserve.


With years of veterinary experience and specialized training, we are well-equipped to handle senior and special-needs pets.

Fear-Free Handling

Our fear-free handling techniques minimize stress and anxiety for your pets during care.

Community Engagement

We are actively involved in the local feline community, supporting rescue efforts and advocating for better treatment of cats.